Greek Feta cubes 4x800g(N2021339)

In Stock Vegetarian Shp, Gt,Cw Milk Pasteurised
Hotos Feta is a PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) cheese, winner of the Best Greek Cheese trophy at the International Cheese Awards 2017


Matured for at least 2-3 months, Feta is made exclusively of 100% fresh pasteurised Greek sheep and goat milk. It has a pleasant refreshing taste, slightly sour and salty, and a rich aroma. The texture is hard and not crumbly

Nutritional Information (per 100g)

Energy Kcal: 270.0
kj: 1,122.0
Fat: 22.0
Saturates: 15.6
Sugar: 0.2
Salt: 2.2

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