Garofalo Buffalo Mozzarella Bocconcini 4x250g(K1140054)

In Stock Buffalo Milk Pasteurised
Mozzarella is the classic fresh cheese with spun dough, tender and elastic in pearly white colour, with the taste and freshness of fresh milk.


Decadently creamy and flavourful with a consistency that lies on the border between solid and liquid. A rich and luxurious Italian Speciality cheese that is full of flavour. Delightful in salads, in pasta or atop a pizza. A simply refreshing choice.

Nutritional Information (per 100g)

Energy Kcal: 288.0
kj: 1,194.0
Fat: 25.0
Saturates: 17.0
Sugar: 0.8
Salt: 0.7

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