Jacquin Buchette Goat Log 6x150g(K1140226)

In Stock Goats Milk Pasteurised
A miniature goat log with satisfying nutty, piquant notes and a slightly acidic, citrus flavour that will invade the senses.


When young the cheese is bright white and moist, however the texture becomes tighter as it ages. The Jacquin family have been producing goat s cheese for over 50 years. The goats log is produced in the Loire Valley, in the Berry region of France. A satisfying nutty, piquant notes and a slightly acidic, citrus flavour that will invade the senses.

Nutritional Information (per 100g)

Energy Kcal: 270.0
kj: 1,122.0
Fat: 22.0
Saturates: 13.4
Sugar: 2.1
Salt: 1.0

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