Sweet paprika tartlets Posted on 7th March 2018

(for approx. 20 tartlets)
200 g Italian ‘00’ flour
100 g butter
50 ml water
2 tsps paprika (or whichever spice you prefer)
salt and pepper, to taste
300 g Capriccio cheese
150 g squash
150 g cauliflower florets
150 g radicchio
sage leaves and rosemary, to taste


Cover the butter with the flour until it is well-combined.
Add very cold water and the spices. Roll out
the dough between two sheets of baking paper
and leave to stand in the fridge for at least half an
hour. Roll out the dough into small, aluminium tart
moulds and leave to stand again in the fridge for
at least twenty minutes. Remove from the fridge
and bake in a hot oven at 180°C for approximately
10 minutes.
In the meantime, toss the vegetables in a pan with
a little oil. Dice the squash, break the
cauliflower into florets and cut the radicchio into
thin strips. Allow the tartlets to cool and then fill
them with the Capriccio cheese and the crunchy
vegetables. Garnish with the aromatic herbs and
a sprinkling of pepper.

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